Join a mid-winter workshop from the comfort of your home

led by Bridget Belgrave 

Three Mondays:  December 5, 12 and 19

7.15pm-9.30pm (GMT, UK)  

20.15-22.30 (CET, continental Europe)

11.15am-1.30pm (PST, N. America west coast)

£65 (full income) / £45 (low income)    No travel costs! 

For currency exchange rates: click here

There will be a maximum of 10 people in the group, so book early to be sure of your place. 

What will I gain?

      Clarity about how NVC skills combine to create connection and transformation

•     A deeper understanding of many aspects of NVC

      Three ‘Dance Floor’ maps you can internalise and apply in your daily life

·       Knowledge of a tool you can use at home, in your practice group or workshops

·       Experience of how the Dance Floors are coached by one of the co-creators

What are the NVC Dance Floors?

The NVC Dance Floors were co-created by Bridget Belgrave and Gina Lawrie, as a methodology to use in learning, practising and teaching NVC (Nonviolent Communication). There are nine ‘Dances’, each of which supports a different application of NVC in a structured yet fluid and flexible process. For more info go to:

What will we do?

Each evening will be focused on one of the NVC Dance Floors. After a ‘check-in’ with the group, Bridget will introduce the Dance Floor, and then coach 2 or 3 people through this process. After each ‘dance’ there will be time for questions and discussion.

Which Dance Floors will we work with?

Dec 5, The Self Empathy Dance:  For shifting from your judgmental mind to your authentic self, from swirling emotions to feeling centred, from stuckness to solutions.

Dec 12: The Anger/Shame Dance: Transform a surge of anger and/or shame into self-connection and empowerment.

Dec 19: The 13 Step Dance: Try out a difficult conversation that you are avoiding, or re-visit one that went badly wrong to explore how it could have been different.

What’s the difference between ‘live’ Dance Floors and Online Dance Floors?

Live: The Dance Floors were originally created as spatial maps made up of large coloured cards placed on the floor in layouts called ‘dances’. People walk through them, often with support from a trainer or coach. Charts (diagrams) of the Dance Floor are used as reference guides, or as a tool for ‘finger dances’. 

Online: With Pauline Dirksen we have developed a way of working that uses the Dance Floor chart as an interactive tool on the internet. The ‘dancer’ clicks on each step they move to, and the coach ‘moves’ with them, just as in 'live' Dance Floor coaching. Other participants can be present, observe, join in, ask questions and discuss the ‘dance’ afterwards, just as in a ‘live’ workshop. People experience a high degree of presence and connection when working this way.

Technical stuff: To participate you will need internet access, a Google account (free), and Skype (free). We will use the audio stream on Skype, not video, so you don’t need a camera. If you need support to set this up please get in touch.

This workshop is open to all: If you have not participated in an 1-day or 2-day NVC workshop, I request you to read Marshall Rosenberg’s book thoroughly, or listen to a CD twice/watch a DVD twice, before the first session. CDs/DVDs available from

To book or make further enquiries: See the forms on the left of this page, or phone +44 (0)1865 865008. 

        Contact us by email:      by phone: 01865 865008 (UK),  +44 1865 865008 (international)