PROJECTS UPDATE, December 2017
A highlight of 2017 was the 9-day International Intensive Training (IIT) in Italy in June. I was one of 5 trainers, with 80 participants and a team of 6 translators. About half the participants were from Italy and the rest from all the corners of the earth. Four parallel sessions a day, with full choice for participants which to attend, as well as community meetings of the whole group in the morning and evening, and wonderful Italian meals created a very rich, intense, humanly-connected learning environment. I found it deeply fulfilling to be able to participate in such an event, as well as so much fun to revive my Italian and enjoy the vibe of the Italian coast in June.
I also ran two new events - one co-created with Ruud Baanders, on the topic of Intention and Attenion in NVC. Wow, we worked for months researching, reading, discussing, and exploring this in our own lives, before creating the format of the workshop. Thanks to the brave souls who came to try out this unpredictable experience!
The other new event completely came from the flow of life. I was walking in a park in the Netherlands and came across a wonderful Koetshuis (coachhouse), converted into a small puppet theatre. By chance the owner was there just closing up after an event that day. We spoke, and yes, they did make it available for rent. The place itself called forth the retreat I then ran there just a few weeks later, called ‘Listening Among the Trees’. I enjoyed so much sharing this day with 12 participants, as we connected with ourselves, the trees and each other in a special way.
The adventure towards co-creating something with Tony Hawks (Round Ireland with a Fridge) took a big step forward when we ran a pilot evening. Lots of improvising, laughs and learning ensued as we tried out various approaches to making the sharing of NVC something that could be a hit with Radio 4 audiences!
Just back from an intensive and enriching 5 week tour in Japan and South Korea. How wonderful to be able to work each weekend, and travel and immerse ourselves in the landscape and culture of Japan in between. This was my third trip to Japan and second to South Korea. NVC has grown so much in these countries, it is humbling to witness this. This time we (Ruud Baanders and I) did workshops on a wide range of topics thereby using all the nine Dance Floors, seeding good practice for how to use the Dance Floors (in response to requests from trainers and practice group leaders) and giving all participants a chance to experience this way of learning, experiencing and teaching NVC. We’re also thrilled to have co-created a project with NVC Japan that will make all the Dance Floor resources available in Japanese. Many thanks to our patient translators who made all this communicating possible!
The Bearing Witness retreat I participated in last year, on the island of Lampedusa, has become a kind of personal project. My husband Ruud and I made a website of our experience, which also gives current news about the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean region.
2014 was a year of completion for Dance Floor publishing
In July 2014, after several years hard work, we completed a whole raft of NVC Dance Floor publishing activities, including the final (corrected) version of the DVDs, a new Dance Floor website, a new Shop website with new distribution system, and fully updated products including a new edition of the Dance Floor handbook in both English and German and new title pages for the all Dance Floor card sets. Of course this dense list leaves out many smaller updates and improvements that we made along the way.
Why did we do all this? Because we know from feedback how powerful and useful the Dance Floors are. And we really wanted our products to reach as many people who could benefit from them as possible. So both Gina Lawrie (co-creator of the NVC Dance Floors) and I wanted to 'tidy up' our products so that they are all produced to a professional standard. We re-organised our roles and I took on the publishing side, preparing the files, organising translations, setting up the new distribution system, etc - with wonderful support from Ruud Baanders who has served as our 'Dance Floor business advisor' for some years now.
So happily the second half of 2014 was, for me, a time of engaging in learning, new experiences and some rest (alongside my workshops and counselling sessions).
Now as 2015 arrives I am looking forward to picking up the threads of some of the other projects mentioned below, and feel very grateful to be able to continue to offer workshops in several countries.
Wow, so long since I updated this page! Lots to tell. But for now, I'm head down, and choosing to DO the projects rather than stop and write about them.
I leave tomorrow for a month in South Korea and Japan. I'm excited about the trip, with Dance Floor workshops in Seoul and Tokyo, followed by 2 weeks holiday volunteering in the mountains of rural Japan.
Before I go - here is some news!
THE DANCE FLOOR DVDs are ready to buy!
Brand new!
There are three 2-hour DVDs, each focused on one Dance Floor:
- The 13 Step Dance for Dialogue
- The Self Empathy Dance
- The Anger/Shame Dance
- All with subtitles in English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish and Swedish
- Each DVD also includes a 12 minute video 'The Magic of the NVC Dance Floors'
Price: £25 (approx €30/$40) for each DVD, or £65 for all three, plus £5 delivery to any country.
DVDs for sale at
(If you have used the Life Resources Shop website before, you may need to clear your cache to see the new shop website.)
The 'official launch' of the DVDs will be in September or October. Watch this space!
We have published the first Dance Floor App! it gives users the 13 Step Dance chart in an interactive format (so you can move along the steps by tapping the chart). It also has lots of back up info like feelings lists, needs lists, a reminder of the Intention for the Dance. It is available now for iPhone and Android phones from the usual App stores. The way things work with Apps is - after release we keep on improving it based on feedback and our vision of making it better and better. The App owner is automatically offered the updates (at no extra charge).
Buy the App 'NVC Dialogue' from the usual App stores for only £2.49!
- We now are selling the Intention Frame (a lilac satin ribbon) and the Inner-Outer Divider (a silky rainbow scarf) for use with the Dance Floor cards at
- The Dance Floor Cards and Handbook are temporarily unavailable while we are updating the files and the distribution system. We expect them to be available again in July or August. Send me an email if you want to be told as soon as they are available.
Jane Wheeler and I are seeking funding for the next stage of developing this NVC-themed musical. If you have a funding idea or a connection to funders, please do contact us. More info here: . See the short video of the pilot performance in a London primary school here:
THE STILL - two improvised performances
Camden People's Theatre, London, July 19, 20, 7.30pm
a project of 'Improbable' Theatre
I've been invited to be the next practitioner in The Still. The info below from Improbable explains what this is!
"What happens when exciting practitioners from outside theatre meet Improbable onstage? Over the upcoming years Improbable will be collaborating with a series of unique and diverse practitioners. Each will be an expert in their chosen field, often from outside of theatre. They will range from scientists to therapists, from astrologers to economists.
The Improbable performers will spend one week with the practitioner inside their theatrical still. At the end of the week the fermented brew will be offered up in the form of a couple of improvised performances. We have no idea in what ways the work will influence the improvisations, but we have no doubt that it will. These challenging collaborations will be an exciting provocation for both the company, our chosen practitioners and the audience! Come and be part of the experiment."
More info on my web page here:
£10, £8 concessions. Book by phone: 08444 77 1000, or online:
PROJECT UPDATE DEC 2012 - Progress with the DVDs!
To make a donation to this project, click here. A 1.5 minute film.
If you donate £20 / €25 / $33 or more, you will receive our free 12 min intro film and a 2- hour film about one of the NVC Dance Floors (the one of your choice) worth at least £25 (€30 / $40), in December 2012. To read about the project in detail, click here.
NVC DANCE FLOOR APPS: Our first App is available now!
Over the last 18 months I have been co-developing Dance Floor Apps with Martijn Ceelen, a Dutch NVC trainer and software developer. It's been a fascinating journey, packed with learning and creativity in digital form. We have now published our first App on the Android platform! It is called NVC Dialogue, and is a wonderful way to have The 13 Step Dance with you wherever you go, complete with feelings and needs lists, an overview of NVC and more! We are currently engaged in the publication protocol with Apple, and hope to publish our first App for iPhones very soon. Read more about the Apps we are developing, and get hot news when more Apps are available here!
THE FILMS: Nearly there!
I've been deeply involved in co-creating the set of NVC Dance Floor films over the last few months. We completed editing the 'Intro film' in August. Making this was, for me, a powerful experience of co-creating, and completed the editing of all our films. Since then I've learned all kinds of technical things to support the sub-title and translation process. I'm loving being in the dedicated and generous team who are creating sub-titles in English and translating them into other languages. It is so clear to me that each film segment that is translated enables the Dance Floor know-how to reach more people.
The challenge of everyone finding time to work on this (and everyone's time is given freely), combined with the huge number of hours we are all putting in, means we are now aiming to publish our DVDs in December 2012. Donations are still very welcome!
THE MUSICAL: Gathering our funding
We are now actively fund-raising and applying for grants, to gather the resources that will carry us through our next two pilots in schools, recording all the backing tracks, preparing the teacher's manual, and all that needs to be done to achieve publication. Wish us luck! And don't miss the 4 minute video of our pilot performance here.
And - if you are touched by this project, how about becoming one of our sponsors? We are looking for 5 individual donors to gift us £500 each, as part of our funding package. To be part of the musical in this way, please contact me.
To read more about this musical, see the Project Updates below.
THE FILMS: Making a set of learning-full films of the NVC Dance Floors
The NVC Dance Floor films are progressing really well. We have completed the editing of the three 2-hour films, and are working on sub-titling (in English) and translation for sub-titles in other languages. This process takes many, many hours, so it is a resource-hungry activity. We will do what we can with the resources we have. We'd LOVE to sub-title in at least German, French and Spanish. Would you like to support us in this? If so, please make a donation.
We also have the draft of our short (approx 10 minute) free film that will introduce the Dance Floors on YouTube. I am so delighted how this is coming together. We have edited down about 14 hours of material into 12 minutes, weaving together 'Talking Heads' of Dance Floor enthusiasts, interview material with Gina Lawrie and myself, clips of me coaching people on the Dance Floors, and more. Phew! That was a mammoth task! And fun.
We are aiming for publication of these films in autumn 2012.
To read more about the project, click here.
THE MUSICAL: Writing a musical for 9-12 year olds
Wow, we did it! Our musical came to life, with the temporary name of 'Jump for Joy', during 8 weeks of one-hour rehearsals at Newport School in east London with 7-11 year olds in the autumn term of 2011. The sessions culminated in a wonderful rough-and-ready performance for parents, teachers and the older children in the school. We are excited that a short video of all this is now on the internet here! Celebrate with us, and send us any comments or questions you have about this musical.
Since the performance, the musical project has been on the back burner in the first half of 2012, while Jane Wheeler and I have been focused on other projects. It is now beginning to move again.
Our next step is to fund-raise. (So far we have done the whole thing un-funded). Seeing how the pilot went, we know we have something that really works, engages children, awakens their understanding of empathy and feelings and needs, and also touches the audience (children and adults) with that same awareness. We have 100% energy to continue, and we need funding, as it is a huge project. Next steps are to put on two more pilots, to fine tune all the materials so a teacher, youth worker, NVC camp, or any other group, could put on this musical with children unsupported (except by our materials.) We aim for publication as a stand-alone product, with lyrics, script, backing tracks, a teacher's manual, and some nvc-based activities in the package.
If you would like to be part of our support team for finding funding, or to contribute some funds yourself, please get in touch!
ONLINE COACHING ON THE DANCE FLOORS: Developing an online interactive way of coaching people on the NVC Dance Floors
I am disappointed that after loads of people came to our Free Online Dance Floor workshops, very few signed up for a paid workshop. I don't know how to read this signal, and whether to pursue this way of sharing NVC. I asked for feedback from all who participated, and am truly surprised how much value people get from this way of being together, learning and growing with NVC. In my feedback form I asked the question: 'Did you feel connection and humanity?' (because I was not sure these qualities would be present when we connect via the internet.) 100% of people responded YES!
Please let me know if you are eager to experience this way of learning and growing, whether in a free intro workshop, or a paid workshop.
Lots has been happening since October, which I'll be writing about soon. In the meantime take a look at this 2 minute video about the Filming the NVC Dance Floors project!
You can also read more about the project there.
And if you feel inspired to donate (and receive a free DVD of your choice when they are ready) you can go here.
THE MUSICAL: Writing a musical for 9-12 year olds
We ran the pilot!! Now we KNOW we are creating something that this space!
We're delighted with the 9 hours of material we have on film from our 4 days of filming in August. I was deeply touched and amazed how many people were involved - about 50 people - freely giving so much support and time to enable all this to happen.
Now for the editing! And more fund-raising......We're still very eager for your financial participation!
Donate 20 GBP / 23 Euros / 33 USD (or more) now and receive the DVD of your choice (worth 25 GBP) in Spring 2012.
Also we would LOVE some huge donations.
Our target is 4500 GBP / 5000 Euros / 7000 USD.
So far we have received 850 GBP / 1000 Euros / 1300 USD (Thank you everyone!)
Read more and donate (by bank transfer, card or Paypal) here:
Co-developed with Pauline Dirksen
I'm offering online Dance Floor coaching for individuals and groups.
More info and booking here:
Jane Wheeler and I are excited to be piloting our 'NVC-message' musical in a primary school in east London in October/November. We'll find out how our plot and our songs work on stage and adjust the dialogue according to input from the students (ages 9-11). We hope to publish it in 2012, for use by anyone anywhere. Watch this space!
THE FILM: Making a set of instructional films of the NVC Dance Floors
For years Gina Lawrie and I have felt that film would be a great way to share the know-how of the Dance Floors much more widely and effectively, and we've been looking for a way to make this happen. Through meeting Elkie Deadman this 'way' has now appeared! Thanks to Elkie's support, expertise, network, facilities and generosity, and to film-maker Sander van Gaalen, we are able to make the films to professional standards.
We're making a short intro film, and three 1 hour films, to share three Dance Floors in depth (13 Step Dance, Self Empathy Dance, Anger Dance). If all goes well, we'll make films of the other Dance Floors in 2012.
We're filming in August in The Netherlands on a budget of 'lots of love and very little money'.
We do need some 'starting capital' - and we would love your financial participation and support.
We invite you to donate 20 GBP / 23 Euros / 33 USD (or more) now and receive the DVD of your choice (worth 25 GBP) in Spring 2012.
Also we would LOVE some really huge donations, e.g. 100 GBP, 500 GBP, or our entire 'starting' amount of 4500 GBP / 5000 Euros / 7000 USD!
Read more and donate (by bank transfer, card or Paypal) here:
ONLINE COACHING ON THE DANCE FLOORS: Developing an online interactive way of coaching people on the NVC Dance Floors
This is a great break-through - something Gina Lawrie and I have envisioned but not known how to achieve.
Thanks to Pauline Dirksens' initiative and collaboration, we'll be ready to pilot this system from September.
>> I'll be offering coached online Dance Floor sessions for individuals, and possibly for groups.
More info and booking here:
THE MUSICAL: Writing a musical for 9-12 year olds
I am co-creating this musical with Jane Wheeler (my colleague from the 'Connect with Respect' project).
Our aim is to convey the paradigm shift of NVC on stage.
We'll create backing tracks and directions so that any (non-specialist) teacher (or youth group leader, or NVC camp leader,!?) can put it on with a group of children.
We are excited to be piloting the musical in a primary school in east London in October/November.
We hope to publish it in 2012, for use by anyone anywhere.
Wayhay! Watch this space!