Exploring Empathy - Moment by Moment

Pauline Dirksen Trainingen invites Bridget Belgrave

Exploring Empathy: Moment by Moment

Driemond (near Weesp), 13 + 14 April 2013: 9.30-17.00 uur

Bridget will share her insights, visuals, and experience around the 'what, when and how' of empathy. Her BodyBeing model describes the big picture of being a human person, and integrates seven levels of being – one of which is empathy. People often say this model creates huge clarity about empathy, and refines distinctions important in NVC.

This weekend includes NVC-based, arts-based, body-based and meditation-based practises, to enhance your ability to enter into empathic connection with yourself and others. This weekend is not a 'classical' empathy workshop. Everyone will explore, share, discuss, practice.

Gain deeper understanding and experience of these topics:

• What is empathy - in daily life and when you give a training and/or coach?

• When to be empathic with another person and when not?

• How do I enter into and sustain an empathic connection?

Bridget writes: Exploring Empathy: Moment by Moment' is a topic close to my heart. I am so utterly grateful to have grown in my understanding of empathy during 18 years of learning about connection through NVC, and I've gradually realised that many of the practises I learned earlier in my life also contribute to my understanding and living of empathy.

Bridget is the co-creator of the NVC Dance Floors, together with Gina Lawrie.
In one or two exercises during this workshop we will explore empathy while coaching or 'dancing' on Dance Floors. 

Pauline will support the participants and Bridget when necessary. 

Language: The workshop will be given in English, with some translation support into Dutch from the group when necessary. 

Number of participants: 12 to 22 participants.

Desirable: Minimum 8 days training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Ify ou do not have this experience, and you still want to participate, please consult with Pauline.

Venue: Netherlands. This event has finished

© 2024 Bridget Belgrave